Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fans celebrate women Millowitsch

Cologne - "I hope it gets better than last time," whispered a spectator in preview in Millowitsch Theater. At the latest after 15 minutes was clear: "They know each other, one helps oneself" Peter again can land a hit!
And that's why it works: Anton (Peter Millowitsch) wants to adopt a child and a surprise to his wife Ulla (Heike Schmidt). Because both but really are too old, asks his friend Anton Ernst (Claus Janzen) applying to the Youth Welfare hair.
He exaggerates, but so extreme that Anton gets into considerable mess, as a woman by the youth (Carmen Heibrock) comes to check the family. Lilly (Melanie Steffens) and Felix CDmitry Aleksandrov), children from Ulla and Anton from previous relationships, provide additional excitement.
This can Millowitsch and his co-author Barbara Schöller are simply outstanding: rooms A story in which all parties get tangled in the abstruse lies - being disbanded at the end of all stories, usually with wonderfully abstruse reasons.
And the icing on the silliness of the crown, dress up to greet Millowitsch and Claus Janzen than women - and Charley's Aunt Tootsie - and thus reap the biggest laughs of the evening. But they are also a delicious duo: the buxom Peter and the spindly Claus, the mutually seize Fummel from the body. Even in the preview audience gurgled with delight.
As well as the other two are almost hard. But the three "real" women get off a lot of laughs. And no one can look so wonderfully stupid from washing as Dmitry Alexandrov. For him, the authors have devised a special gimmick: his "Felix" instead of saying "I" always "n" and he says treudoof: "You have a tonne gestante." Respect, as he hold out?
Also of interest
The pictures of the new piece Millowitsch
Peter Willy even as the hit