Thursday, April 29, 2010

Varvodic debut in Bern

Cologne - FC Jöck op. On Donnnerstagmorgen the troop increase by Star coach Christoph Daum (54) in the flight to Switzerland.
For the first time in professional large entourage on a tour when it happens: goalkeeping talent Varvodic Miro (19). The signing of Hajduk Split are in the test match on Thursday at the invitation of the Young Boys Berne (Stade de Suisse, 19.30 clock), debuted in the FC-Dress.
Miro who? In Cologne Varvodic needs to make a name only. In the Balkans, however, the Croat-talented football fans has been an absolute concept. And this is no accident.
"The fact that I became a goalie, I owe to my father," says Miro in the EXPRESS conversation, "when I was little, I began as an outfield player. Until he eventually said, boy, introduce yourself better into the goal.
"He is still my biggest supporter and critic." And predecessor. Zoran Varvodic (44) was also a professional goalkeeper for years, the number 1 at Hajduk. Last season, he was succeeded by his son.
Even with 18 Miro was the traditional club-choice goalkeeper, was in the explosive-duels with his archrival Feuertaufen Dinamo Zagreb as a professional.
And became a firm fixture in the national junior team. With the move to FC, he ventured to the next career step. Always included: Papa Zoran. Although not in the flesh, but as a screen background on Miro's cell phone.
In extra shifts with Icke Häßler or Rolf Herings Miro works diligently to improve themselves continuously. The daily work with a legend like FC-choice goalkeeper Faryd Mondragon (37) helps him as well.
Cologne has hired him for a year of Hajduk. Then, the FC can buy it for 250,000 euros. On Thursday Varvodic want to show before a large audience that he is worth it.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Meisner scolds from the CDU

Cologne - Cologne, Cardinal Joachim Meisner, Archbishop scolds from the CDU. Unfortunately, he had to say, "that the CDU increasingly uprooted when Christian people who think themselves".
The preferred party of Catholic voters she's not. The magazine "Capital", he said: "For Catholics, it was" only conditionally selectable.
'Choice' of course, everyone must agree with his conscience. " And he added: "At the current state of the parties, there are none, the most closely related to us."
The Cardinal had been reworked several times in the past, the C-parties and responsible members of government - as in family policy, and most recently on the issue of embryonic stem cell research. And in terms of abortion, there is for the Cardinal had nothing to discuss or even to relax.
 Recently, the 74-year-old had exhorted the Christian Democrat politician, "that it was private and the public are struggling to live the Gospel - it convenient or not."
 Now the battle lines seem to have hardened even further, because even in the CSU-governed, predominantly conservative Bavaria is Meisner's view the world for the Catholic Church out of joint:
His devastating diagnosis: "Since I know a bit of the scenery in Bavaria, I am disillusioned. The Baroque housing belies a certain hollowness of time. "That is true not just for the CSU, as he had introduced there Catholicism more generally," he lamented.
Union Group Vice Wolfgang Bosbach (CDU), rejected the criticism Meisner. The Express said: "Such sweeping statements are for those in the Union that have tried unsuccessfully in good faith and not a question of giving effect to the Christian position - for example the issue of protection of life - not particularly helpful.
In politics, we are in a constant process of weighing and often have to make compromises. The Church has, in contrast to the policy has the advantage that it must not compromise their beliefs and may remain completely unaffected faithful. "
But not only the C-party got off their fat. He sharply denounced "some extremely high executive pay," which is contrary to morality: "That must be ashamed of those who accept and forget their social responsibility here."

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Gerda Jecke the bravest Princess

Bonn - eimol Princess sin - that has always been the great dream of Gerda pasture. In last year's session, he has finally come true: Gerda was crowned Princess of bush village.
Unfortunately, fate does not mean it well with the sympathetic Tollität: At Christmas 2006, the 53-year-old broke his right foot. Gypsuming Bernd Waldecker as you suggested, did not come into question for Gerda: "I want to run through unconditional. The cast, I can still wear after the session. Since I have time enough, "she said at the time.
But with the damage the strong-minded Gerda had not reckoned good. After the session, a special shoe is adapted to six weeks after the break was "cured". However, the foot is still swelled up again. Massages, lymphatic drainage and medication did not help.
"Day in, day out pain pills, tears. Every once in a little hope and then a relapse, "says Gerda's husband Helmut Schmitz.Im September at last the frightening diagnosis of a foot specialist in Düren: necrosis of the scaphoid. A portion of the broken bone was not properly supplied with blood and died.
This was followed by an operation, then again ten weeks of plaster. The adoption as Buschdorfer Tollität she experienced in Rollstuhl.Vor Christmas came from the plaster.
Gerda had to save more, but now, after more than a year, she can walk without crutches. "I know that this had not happened, perhaps, if I was at my doctor heard of and would have canceled the session," said Gerda. "But all the pain I felt my big life dream worth. I would not do things differently. "

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Euro-summit in Cologne Temple

Cologne - Krasser might not be the opposites: While VfL Gummersbach more and more withdrawn from Cologne, is the biggest club handball event on the continent in the LanxessArena.
The inaugural final four of the Champions League is rising on the last weekend in May 2010, as of Tuesday, there are tickets.
"We are a handball Temple, Managing Director Stefan holes Arena cheering on the coup, the EXPRESS exclusively announced in February.
In the hall, in which Germany won the World Cup title in 2007 and in which the FC has already attracted over one million handball fans are now fighting teams like Kiel and Ciudad Real in order to European Handball Championship crown. The winner gets 500,000 euros.
"This is the greatest handball event of the year," beamed keel legend and EHF Ambassador Stefan Lövgren yesterday at the presentation in Cologne. "This is certainly a gigantic spectacle. A weekend Handball in Cologne is lived. "
With concerts and sporting events will be represented at the arena and in the city. Mayor Manfred Wolf received: "We are the top clubs and their fans with open arms." Pity that the FC is ...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Dirk Nowitzki must testify in court?

Dallas - The title is a dream even in his eleventh season with the Dallas Mavericks prematurely exploded. But Dirk Nowitzki can be good cry this summer, not quite fast at home with his family in Wurzburg. He still has a few more days remain in the U.S..
And eventually, he must also testify before the court as a witness. His pregnant fiancee allegedly Christal Taylor, on 6 Mourinho was arrested May in Villa, is now in the county jail of Beaumont was indicted for theft. These are unpaid dental bills from 1500 to 20,000 euros from the year 2006. To what extent they wanted to cause harm Nowitzki is still unclear. He himself conceded only that the couple would have had trouble for several weeks. Nowitzki: "I must now wait for how things go on."
The athletic 30-year-old wants to tackle his twelfth season in Dallas: "It was always my dream to end my career here and to win a championship. I think it is still possible. "
More on the case: Nowitzki out of the playoffs - fiancée in shackles> Despite Liebes-Chaos: Mavericks Nowitzki smiles after winning back-> breaks on Nowitzki love chaos? > Nowitzki: Who can catch our giants on now? > Prisoner friend, Nowitzki missing the words "Police arrest woman in Loeb House>