Saturday, April 17, 2010

Gerda Jecke the bravest Princess

Bonn - eimol Princess sin - that has always been the great dream of Gerda pasture. In last year's session, he has finally come true: Gerda was crowned Princess of bush village.
Unfortunately, fate does not mean it well with the sympathetic Tollität: At Christmas 2006, the 53-year-old broke his right foot. Gypsuming Bernd Waldecker as you suggested, did not come into question for Gerda: "I want to run through unconditional. The cast, I can still wear after the session. Since I have time enough, "she said at the time.
But with the damage the strong-minded Gerda had not reckoned good. After the session, a special shoe is adapted to six weeks after the break was "cured". However, the foot is still swelled up again. Massages, lymphatic drainage and medication did not help.
"Day in, day out pain pills, tears. Every once in a little hope and then a relapse, "says Gerda's husband Helmut Schmitz.Im September at last the frightening diagnosis of a foot specialist in Düren: necrosis of the scaphoid. A portion of the broken bone was not properly supplied with blood and died.
This was followed by an operation, then again ten weeks of plaster. The adoption as Buschdorfer Tollität she experienced in Rollstuhl.Vor Christmas came from the plaster.
Gerda had to save more, but now, after more than a year, she can walk without crutches. "I know that this had not happened, perhaps, if I was at my doctor heard of and would have canceled the session," said Gerda. "But all the pain I felt my big life dream worth. I would not do things differently. "