Wednesday, June 16, 2010

No studies without iPhone

Who wants to study at the University of Missouri, who needs an iPhone, absolutely! It certainly want the new access requirements of the university.
Lectures were the worst imaginable learning format, so Dean Brian S. Brooks of the University of Missouri Journalism School.
The students could absorb more lecture content when they heard this a second time and should therefore be in possession of a device which can play the audio files.
The possession of an iPhone or iPod Touch is at least one of the students at the University of Missouri is now mandatory.
Of course, could theoretically use any MP3 player. "For example you can take Zune," said Brooks. It admits, however, that a computer business which may be associated with the university, a special contract with Apple holds. For the equivalent of 219 € there is an iPod Touch with 16 gigabytes to be acquired. To purchase the required equipment, there are financial aids.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

TV court show: Bin Laden is innocent

Amsterdam - TV scandal in the Netherlands: The most wanted terrorist in the world is inone-court show of public television for "Innocent" was declared.
It is perfectly nichterwiesen that Osama bin Laden responsible for terrorist attacks des11. September 2001 in the USA, was on the night of Donnerstagbeim channel Nederland 2 is a "citizen jury".
 She followed that ONSTART the reality show "devil's advocate" the plea desAmsterdamer Star Advocate Gerard Spong. In the next episode sollSpong none other than defending the Pope.
   In the opening show, the two women and three men were found derJury also alleged that Bin Laden is the founder and chief desTerrornetzwerkes Al Qaeda, as not sufficiently proved zurück.Recht they gave to the indictment, however, is that Bin Laden is einTerrorist "that Islam is personal Machtambitionenmissbraucht.
The defense lawyers had all three points pleaded "innocent".
   To the dismay of the prosecution succeeded Spong clearly to convince the jury and the TV audience that Bin Laden responsible for the attacks of 11 September 2001, were murdered in denennahezu 3,000 people, more of a westlichenPolitikern staged fiction, being a proven fact.
Alsnicht accept the TV allerdingsSpongs jury argument, the allegedly most dangerous terrorist in the world designated seial legitimate "freedom fighters to be regarded in a war against the West."
   In a vote on the Internet were not representative of the participating audience 70Prozent, Bin Laden could not alsDrahtzieher the terrorist attacks of 11 September sentenced werden.Jeweils 56 percent also joined in the two anderenAnklagepunkten on the jury verdict.
   Spong lawyer, who in real life 'fees of 450 € per Stundeverlangt, had by his own admission no objections to eineVerteidigung bin Laden in front of a TV audience. "Should dieVerbrechen People who have committed, the menschlicheVorstellungsvermögen the top must be defended," he declared.
Next to the scandal in broadcast Pope Benedict XVI. be indicted. Why? With its anti-condom policy, he was "responsible for thousands of AIDS deaths," the indictment of the TV company AVRO Holland.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Thanks Poldi: Two kick with

Cologne - FC-star Lukas Podolski played the good fairy and two young football players can look forward: Daniel Lehmann (18) from Spich and Marc Heller (26) from Frielingsdorf support the FC-Team on Sunday (15 clock, RheinEnergie Stadium) at the charity-Kick against the team of DJ Bobo and Friends.
If the lot under the slogan "Together for Ethiopia" to play a lot of prominent ex-footballers and showbiz stars for a good cause. For the place in the team had several hundred readers advertised in EXPRESS.
All those who were not drawn by Poldi get donated two tickets as a consolation prize. All others can come, a great program is offered, there are cards in advance and at the box office - and all proceeds benefit a good cause.
Poldi HERE draws the lucky winners: